Friday, August 1, 2008

Sprint Customer service not so good?

Sprint Customer Service

I've been a Verizon customer for over 10 years and I've really never had a beef with their customer service. At one time I considered switching to Sprint because their Smartphone selection was better and they always seemed to get the "coolest" phones before anyone else.

Based on what Alli says in her post, I'm probably glad I didn't switch.

Luv ya Verizon!

Yes, it is every bit as poor as they say.

I have been a happy Sprint customer for two years. Happy with my service, happy with my coverage, happy with my phones. I am blissfully, orgasmically happy with my Treo 800w. Unfortunately, Sprint has so mangled my account, that I am currently unable to take advantage of one of the main features of this $500 smartphone. I can no longer receive sms from short codes.

This started 5 days into my Treo 800w ownership, so I was relatively certain that it wasn’t the phone. But while on the phone with Sprint CS, I dutifully performed a hard reset to prove it. Still no sms short codes. Not from Twitter, not from Fring, not from Dashwire, not from Skyfire, not from Brightkite…well, you get the idea. Every time I called CS, they informed me that “many blocks” had been put on my sms account and they he/she had personally removed them all. I’m still trying to figure out how that many blocks got on in between each call to CS.

Read the entire post...[Alli Flowers]

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